Wednesday, March 25, 2020


All April workshops are canceled due to the corona virus.
Please check the blog again for May updates.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


We will not be having our March 27th workshop. At this time we think it is wise to be safe. When we do meet again, it will be posted on the blog. Please check in April to see what the plans are at that time. Wishing you all well.

Sunday, March 1, 2020


Bev presented two fun cards at our last workshop and it looks like everyone enjoyed the designs. Thank you Bev.

The March 13 meeting is a road trip. It was posted on the blog a few weeks ago. Scroll down to see the details and contact Kathy if you want to join everyone on a trip to Violets. 

Jane is presenting the March 27th workshop and that will be posted when the photos and information arrives.

Thank you all

There will not be a $1 collection for this road trip.

April 9th Workshop

  HI everyone,  Our next meeting will be on Friday, April 9th at 1:00pm at Seabreeze Recreation Center.  i will be your hostess with the m...